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Updated: Jul 15, 2020


For those of you that don't like to read here is a summary:

Seven days of cleaning and organizing, no excuses play like a champion. Here's an instagram template if you want to join. If you are feeling inspired and want more details... keep reading.


Ok, so the goal of the #COVIDCLEANINGCHALLENGE is to motivate people when they are #quarantined. I keep hearing everyone saying that they're bored, or stir crazy, and I haven't had that feeling yet because I am being super productive!

I've created a seven day checklist of things to do around the home that will make you enjoy being at home. Your home should be an oasis and right now more than ever. The goal of this is to not go out and spend a lot of money- but instead make you appreciate all the things you already have! In a time like this, we need to be thankful for the "things" we have and not seek to spend a bunch of money to have a successful project.


Day 1 LAUNDRY- I chose laundry to be the first day of this shindig because I know most people are still working from home. Laundry is one of those chores that tends to pile up for most people and does not require you to be away from your computer for very long. All you have to do is sort and let the machine do the work. Ok... so you have to fold... that is kind of intimidating- but the goal is to fold and put the laundry away before it gets all wrinkly and it doesn't smell like a field of lavender.

Check out my post on Laundry available on my birthday 3/23/20 here.

Day 2 PANTRY- I'm sure your Pantry looks like a hot mess right now because you went out and bought more canned goods, chips, and junk that you probably don't need immediately. Plan to spend 1-2 hours cleaning out your pantry.

Check out my post on PANTRY organization available on 3/24/20 here.

Day 3 CLOSET(S)- Do you love #MarieKondo? I sure do... she totally helped me organize my old home and get rid of a bunch of junk. Plan to spend 2-3 hours organizing YOUR CLOSET. You can do the kids closets later or make them do their own!

Check out my post on CLOSET organization available on 3/25/20 here.

Day 4 DEEP CLEAN- We have a woman that comes to clean our home bi-weekly, and boy do I love and miss her. I cancelled her services because we are quarantining but we still paid her in advance for another cleaning. It's important to keep pumping the economy and not leave people who are self employed in a bad position during this time.

Check out my post on DEEP CLEANING available on 3/26/20 here.

Day 5 KITCHEN- We're using our kitchen more than ever right now, being home 24/7. Eric and I love to go on dates and try new foods so this was an adjustment for us. Plan 1-2 hours to clean and organize your kitchen.

Check out my post on KITCHEN ORGANIZATION available on 3/27/20 here.

Day 6 YARD WORK/GARAGE- Bust out the energy drinks because it's the weekend and you're not working so you really don't have an excuse not to knock out a project!

Check out my post on YARD WORK/GARAGE ORGANIZATION available on 3/28/20 here.

DAY 7 SPECIAL PROJECT- Congratulations! You've almost completed the #COVIDCLEANINGCHALLENGE!! To reward yourself, start a special project that you've been wanting to do. I'm hanging a gallery wall in our office. Pick a project, set a budget, and reward yourself!

Check out my post on my GALLERY WALL SPECIAL PROJECT available on 3/29/20 here.

Make sure you share your photos and tag me and #COVIDCLEANINGCHALLENGE! Good luck! <3

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